

noun  wan·der·lust  \ˈwän-dər-ˌləst\
strong longing for or impulse toward wandering

You're probably familiar with wanderlust. But if you have kids, you might be more familiar with waaaaaanderlust. You provide the wanderlust and they provide the waaaaaa. You'll know it when you see it or, more likely, hear it. You tell the kids that you're going to Europe for 6+ weeks and the waaaaaa-ing starts ... "I want to stay home and go to the pool" ... "why do we have to go to Europe?" ... "you didn't even ask us!" Oh yes, we may have a teensy tiny bit of experience with waaaaaanderlust around these parts.  Despite the protests of the small people, we're off to Europe anyway, so I figured we might as well document it in case they actually enjoy themselves a little bit along the way. 
